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The Construction Of The Khana Kaba History | Construction Of kaaba By Hazrat Ibrahim

There Have Been Changes In The Construction Of The Kaaba. With The Passage Of Time, And Due To Some Important Reasons, Kaaba Has Been Reconstructed Many Times. In This Topic, We Will Try To Shed Light On The Various Stages Of The Construction Of The Kaaba From A Historical Perspective. When We Study The History Books, One Thing Becomes Very Clear To Us, The Construction Of Kaaba  Has Been Divided Into Two Phases. The First Stage Is Before Islam, While The Second Stage Is After Islam.

Construction Of The Khana Kaba History:

As Allama Jalal-Ud-Din Suyuti (May Allah Have Mercy On Him) Writes In His "History Of Makkah," The Construction Of The Kaaba Was Built Ten Times.

1) The Kaaba Was First Built By The Angels On The Ground Just In Front Of The "Bay'at Al-Ma'mor".

2) After That, Hazrat Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) Built The House Of Kaaba.

3) After That, The Sons Of Hazrat Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) Built The Kaaba.

4) After That, Hazrat Ibrahim And , Hazrat Ismail (Peace Be Upon Them), Built The Kaaba. Allah Ta'ala Has Also Mentioned It In The Qur'an.

Then The People Of Amalek Built The Kaaba.

6) Then After That, The Tribe Of Jarham Built The Kaaba.

7) Then After That, Quraish, Built The Kaaba.

8) Then After That, The Construction Of Quraish, In Which Our Prophet (Peace And Blessings Of Allah Be Upon Him) Himself Also Participated And Carried Stones On His Shoulders Along With Quraish,

9) After That, Hazrat Abdullah Bin Zubair رضی اللہ عنہ Built The Kaaba According To The Plan Suggested By The Prophet (PBUH) During His Caliphate.

That Is, The Soil Of Hatim Was Entered Into The Kaaba, The Door Was Kept Low To The Level Of The Ground, And One Door Was Made On The East Side And One Door On The West Side.

10) Then, After That, Hajjaj Bin Yusuf Built The Kaaba The Governor Of Abd Al-Malik Bin Marwan, .

But Hazrat Allama Halbi (Peace Be Upon Him) Wrote In His Biography That The Kaaba Was Rebuilt Only Three Times.

1) The Construction Of Kaaba By Hazrat Ibrahim (Peace Be Upon Him)

2) There Is A Gap Of Two Thousand Seven Hundred And Thirty-Five (2735) Years Between The Construction Of Quraish And These Two Constructions In The Jahiliyyah Period.

3) The Construction Of Kaba ByHazrat Abdullah Bin Zubair, Which Is Eighty-Two (82) Years After The Construction Of Quraish

(Hashiya Bukhari, Volume I, Chapter Fazl Makkah, P. 215)



Construction Of The Kaaba Before Islam:


Stages Of Kaaba Construction

The Saying Of Imam Ali Bin Abdul Qadir Tabari Is Quoted In Al-Araj Al-Maski Fi Al-Tarikh Al-Makki. He Says That The Ka'ba  Has Been Built Ten Times. (Al-Araj Al-Maski Fi Al-Tarikh Al-Makki, 55).

According To The Correct Statement, Kaaba  Was Built Four Times Before Islam. First, Hazrat Ibrahim (Peace Be Upon Him) Built The Kaabah. We Also Find Mention Of This In The Qur'an And Hadith, Where Hazrat Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) Built The Ka'bah By The Order Of God Almighty. 

Construction Of kaaba By Hazrat Ibrahim:

When Hazrat Ibrahim (Peace Be Upon Him) Built The Kaaba, He Made It 9 Yards (4.5 Metres) High. The Length Of Baitullah Was Kept At 32 Yards, I.E., 16 Metres From The East Side; 31 Yards, I.E., 15.5 Metres From The West Side; 20 Yards, I.E., 10 Metres From The North Side; And 23 Yards, I.E., 11 Metres From The South Side. At The Time Of Building The Kaaba, They Did Not Build A Roof Over The Kaaba But Made Two Doors That Were Very Close To The Ground. (Al-Arj Al-Maski Fi Al-Tarikh Al-Makki, 70–75)


For The Second And Third Time, Banu Amalaqa And Banu Jarham Took Responsibility For The Construction Of The Kaaba, Respectively. And The Kaaba Was Rebuilt. Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib (RA) Says That After A Long Time After The Construction Of The Ka'ba By Hazrat Ibrahim (Peace Be Upon Him), The Wall Of The Ka'ba Became Weak, So The Banu Amalaqa Rebuilt The Ka'ba, Then The Banu Jarham Built It After Them. When There Were Weaknesses And Defects In The Building, It Was Built By Quraish. (Akhbar Makkah, 1/62).


Construction Of The Kaaba By Quraish Tribe:

For The Fourth Time, Some Time After The Construction Of The Kaaba By The Banu Jarham, When The Building Of The Holy Kaaba Was Damaged Again, The Quraish Took Over The Construction Of The Kaaba And Built The Kaaba. 

In The Books Of History, The Reason For The Construction Of The Kaaba By Quraish Is That A Woman From The Tribe Of Quraish Carried Some Sparks In A Lantern To Light The Kaaba, And Suddenly Some Of The Sparks Flew Out And Hit The Cover Of The Kaaba. The Cover Of The Kaaba Caught Fire. 

Due To This, The Wall Of The Ka'ba Has Suffered A Lot Of Damage. After Seeing This, Fear Spreads Within The Quraish That If They Do Not Build The Ka'ba, The Wrath Of God's Punishment Will Come Upon Them. And On This Basis, The Quraish Went Ahead And Rebuilt The Kaaba.

Due To The Lack Of Wealth, They Reduced 6 Yards (3.23 Meters) From Hajar Aswad. And They Surround It With A Small Wall So That People Cannot Enter It During Circumambulation. 

The Quraish Also Made Some Changes During The Construction Of The Kaaba, Such As Increasing The Height Of The Kaaba From 9 Yards (4.5 Metres) To 18 Yards, A Total Of 9 Meters. And At The Same Time, The Roof Over The Kaaba Was Also Increased, 

The West Gate Was Closed, And The Height Of The East Gate Was Also Increased A Little More. And The Most Important Thing Is That In This Construction Of The Kaaba By The Quraish, Our Beloved Master, The Prophet (Peace And Blessings Of Allah Be Upon Him), Was Also Involved.


When The Construction Of The Kaaba Was Completed, A Dispute Arose Among The Qureshi Tribes As To Who Would Have The Privilege Of Placing The Black Stone On The Side Of The Kaaba.

All The Chiefs Of Qureshi Tribes Started Claiming That If This Honor Should Be Given To Our Tribe, Then Our Tribe Should Get It. And So Violence Took Hold In The Controversy.

It Would Have Taken The Form Of A Civil War Between The Mutually Disputing Quraish, But In The End They All Agreed That The One Who Would Be The First To Come To Kaaba Tomorrow Morning Would Get Its Honor.

What Is Seen The Next Day Is That The Holy Prophet (Peace And Blessings Of Allah Be Upon Him) Is Moving Towards Bait Allah Early In The Morning. And You Are The First To Enter The Kaaba. Seeing This, All The People Of Quraish Were Satisfied That Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Was Righteous And Trustworthy.

Treat Everyone The Same. And Finally, The Holy Prophet (Peace And Blessings Of Allah Be Upon Him) Received The Honor Of Lifting The Black Stone And Placing It On The Side Of The Kaaba. Sacrifice For The Reformation Of The Beloved Master.

He Called For A Sheet, Then He Picked Up The Black Stone And Placed It On The Sheet, And He Called All The Leaders Of Quraish And Told Them To Come And Hold Each Corner Of This Sheet. And Thus The Dear Master Turned Civil War Into Mutual Love. This Construction Of The Kaaba By Quraish Happened Five Years Before The Declaration Of Prophet Hood.


Construction Of The Kaaba After Islam:

There Are A Total Of Three Phases In The Second Phase Of The Construction Of Kaaba .


First Period:

Abdullah Bin Zubair (May Allah Be Pleased With Him)

When The Throne Of The Umayyad Caliphate Was Succeeded By His Son Yazid After Amir Muawiya, He Sent A Large Army Under The Leadership Of Husain Bin Namir To Hijaz To Overthrow Abdullah Bin Zubair. Yazid's Army Laid Siege To Makkah In Order To Overturn The Throne Of Abdullah Bin Zubair And Bring The Entire Hijaz Under The Umayyad Caliphate. And This Siege Continued For Several Days. 

During The Siege, Hussain Bin Namir Attacked Makkah With Mortars And Cannons, Which Had A Great Impact On The Kaaba, And The Walls Of The Kaaba Were Completely Weakened.

After 17 Days Of The Siege, Yazid Bin Muawiya Dies, So His Army Ends The Siege Of Makkah And Returns To Syria. After That, Hazrat Abdullah Bin Zubair (RA) Rebuilt The Kaaba. And Built It Exactly The Same Way Hazrat Ibrahim (Peace Be Upon Him) Had Built It. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Zubair (RA) Increased The Height Of The Kaaba By 27 Yards And 13.5 Metres At The Time Of Its Construction. Quraish, Due To A Lack Of Wealth, Re-Joined The Place That Had Been Separated From The Kaaba.


Second Period: 

Hajjaj Bin Yusuf 

After Yazid Bin Muawiya, Abdul Malik Bin Marwan Was Appointed Caliph Of The Umayyad Caliphate. Abdul Malik Bin Marwan Formed A Large Army Under The Leadership Of Hajjaj Bin Yusuf And Sent Them To Makkah To Overthrow The Throne Of Abdullah Bin Zubair, And Then After This Battle In 74 AH, Hajjaj Captured The Kaaba. 

The Construction Was Redone, And The Kaaba Was Built In A New Style. He Closed The Western Gate Of The Kaaba While Increasing The Height Of The Eastern Gate. The Northern Wall Was Demolished, And Six Yards And One Square Of Land Were Separated From The Kaaba.


Third Period:

Sultan Murad Khan

Sultan Murad Khan Is The Sultan Of The Ottoman Empire. Sultan Muhammad The Conqueror, Who Conquered Constantinople, Is His Son. Sultan Murad Khan's Caliphate Period Was From 1032 AH To 1050 AH. In The Year 1039 AH, There Was A Flood In Makkah Due To Heavy Rain. And This Flood Reached And Damage The Kaaba And Masjid Al-Haram.

In The Same Flood, The Western Wall Of The Kaaba Collapsed, And Some Parts Of The Western And Eastern Walls Were Also Destroyed. So Sultan Murad Khan Demolished The Western And Northern Walls Of The Kaaba And Rebuilt The Kaaba. Kaaba Was Built In A Very Beautiful Way. And The Constriction Of The Sultan That Was The last construction of kaaba,  And The Same Kaaba Remains Today.

I pray to Allah to grant me the opportunity to invite everyone to my house, the House of Kaaba

Author : Muhammad Raza Qureshi

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