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Dajjal 👇 || 😈Facts Of Dajjal || The Information Of Dajjal😈


One Of The Ten Major Signs Of The Lord Of Resurrection Is The Appearance Of The Dajjal. The Temptation Of The Dajjal Is Greater And More Dangerous Than All The Temptations Of Human History From The Beginning To The End.


Who Is Dajjal And His Types:

Dajjal Etymology A Very False Person, Because Dajjal Will Also Lie By Mixing Falsehood With The Truth. That Is Why He Is Called Dajjal. He Will First Show Himself As A Believer And Call People To Goodness, But Then He Will Claim Prophethood And Finally Divinity (Divinity). It Is Known That His Origin Will Be From The Jews.

Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan Naeemi (May Allah Have Mercy On Him) Says: "Dajjal Are Of Two Types: Small And Big.

There Have Been And Will Be Many Little Dajjals. Every False Prophet, False Cleric, and sufi who misleads people is a dajjal. The Great Antichrist Is The Only One Who Will Claim Divinity.

Antichrist(Dajjal)Will Be Born Or Appear:

The Dajjal Has Been Born, Imprisoned On An Island, And Will Appear Near The Day Of Resurrection, As Mentioned In The Narration Of Fatima Bint Qais In Sahih Muslim, And The Reason For The Conversion Of Hazrat Tamim Dari To Islam Was That He Had A Conversation With The Dajjal On An Island And Then Came To Madinah And Accepted Islam.


Where Is The Dajjal?

This Has Been Kept Ambiguous In The Hadith. At The End Of The Hadith Of Muslim Sharif, This Saying Of The Messenger Of Allah, May God Bless Him And Grant Him Peace, Is Recorded: "Ala Innahu Fi Bahr Al-Sham, Or Bahr Al-Yaman, Not From Before The East, What Is Before The World." What Is The East Before The East, What Is It, And What Is The Distance To The East? (Muslim Sharif: Hadith Collection: 2942) For What Is The Wisdom Of Keeping It Vague, See: (Hashiya Mishkaa: 476)


The Traditions About Where The Dajjal Will Appear Are As Followed: In The Tradition Of Muslim Sharif And Bukhari, It Is Known From Him That The Dajjal Will Appear From The East, And In The Tradition Of Hazrat Simaan (RA) In Muslim Sharif, It Is Further Stated That He Will Appear From A Place Called Hila," Which Is Between Syria And Iraq. (Muslim Sharif Number Of Hadith: 2937)


And In A Hadith Of Tirmidhi Sharif: On The Authority Of Abu Bakr Al-Sadiq, He Said: ‘‘The Messenger Of Allah, May God Bless Him And Grant Him Peace.

Said: Dajjal Will Come Out Of The Earth. By Al-Mashriq, You Say: Khurasan, that is, Dajjal will appear from Khurasan, which is located in the east.

As For The Question Of When He Was Born, It Is Not Clear In The Ahadith, Nor Does It Need To Be Known.

 Overview (I.E Dajjal's Condition In Islam):

The Dajjal's Dress Has Been Described In Various Hadiths. Putting Them All Together, The Dajjal's Dress Appears To Be That The Dajjal Will Be A Young Man, Tall And With One Eye, And The Eye Will Be Like A Swollen Grape, While One Of His Eyes Will Be Bloodshot, His Chest Will Be Wide And Slightly Sunken Inward, The Dajjal's Forehead Will Be Wide, And Between The Two Eyes Will Be Disbelief. Fur Will Be written, Which Every Muslim Can read, Whether He Can Read Or not, And His Hair Will Be Curly.


 The Appearance Of Dajjal:

Before The Appearance Of Dajjal, The World Will Be In A Very Bad Condition, As The Articles Of The Hadiths Show That Three Years Before His Appearance, A General Famine Will Spread In The World. 

It Will Happen: Due to this drought, all cattle will perish, Temptations And Killings Will Become Common, and people will be killing each other. Apart From The Food Famine, There Will Also Be An Intellectual And Spiritual Famine, There Will Be A Weakness Among The People In Relation To Religion, And There Will Be A Shortage Of Scholars And Pious People.



Period Of Stay On Earth And Circling: 

Dajjal Will Stay On Earth For Forty Days, Of Which One Day Is Equal To One Year, One Day Is Equal To One Month And One Day Is Equal To One Week, While The Rest Of The Days Will Be Like The Normal Days Of The Year. During This Period, Dajjal Will Ride Around The Whole World On His Donkey.

The Body Of The Donkey Will Be So Big That The Distance Between The Two Ears Will Be Equal To Forty Cubits, And The Speed Of His Donkey Will Be That If He Takes One Step, He Will Cover A Distance Of One Mile, And There Will Not Be Any Plain, Desert, Or Mountain Area On The Face Of The Earth Where He Will Not Go, Makkah Mukarrama Though.

And Due To The Angels Guarding Madinah Tayyaba, He Will Not Be Able To Enter It, But Will Camp (Outside Madinah) In Marshy Ground, And There Will Be Three Earthquakes In Madinah, Because Of Which Every Disbeliever And Hypocrite Will Run Away From Madinah And Meet The Dajjal.

On This Day, Holy Madinah Will Be Purified From Every Hypocrite And Sinner, Male And Female, That Is Why This Day Is Also Called The Day Of Al-Khalas, And According To Some Traditions, It Will Not Be Possible To Go To Bayt Al-Maqdis And Mount Toor.

Dajjal's Tactics And Their Reality:

Dajjal Will Try To Destroy People's Faith Through Various Signs. It Is In The Hadith That With Dajjal There Will Be Mountains Of Bread, People Other Than The Followers Of Dajjal Will Be In Severe Pain, With Him There Will Be Two Rivers, One Of Which He Will Call Heaven And The Other Hell. In Fact, What He Calls Heaven Will Be Hell, And What He Calls Hell Will Be Paradise, Rain Will Fall From The Sky At His Command, And He Will Kill A Person In Front Of People And Bring Him Back To Life.


        Power Of Dajjal:

1.   He Will Have Fire And Water. The fire (seen) will be cold water, and the water (Seen) Will Be fire.

2.   He (The Dajjal) Will Have A Mountain Of Bread And A River Of water, meaning That He Will Have Water And Food In abundance. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) Said: He Is Very Contemptible For These Things, But Allah Will Allow Him To Do So (So That People Can Be Tested Whether They Believe In Allah Or The Dajjal).

3.   And Then Dajjal Will Bring With Him A River And Fire. Whoever Falls Into Its fire will surely get its reward, and his burden will be lighter. But Whoever Lands In Its River, His Burden Will remain, And His Reward Will Be Taken Away From Him.

4.   We Asked: "O Messenger Of Allah! How Fast Will He Walk On This Earth?" He said, "As The Wind Blows Away The Clouds,

5.   He (Dajjal) Will Ride On A Donkey There Will Be A Distance Of Forty Cubits Between Its (Donkey's) Ears.

6.   Allah Ta'ala Will Send Devils With Him Who Will Talk With People.

7.   He Will Say To A Badu. What Will You Do If I Bring Your Father And Mother Back To Life For You? Will You Testify That I Am Your God? Badu Will Say: Yes! So, Two Devils Will Come In Front Of Him In The Form Of Mother And Father Of This Badu And Will Say: Our Son, Obey His Command, This Is Your God.

8.   Dajjal Will Say To A Villager That If I Bring Your Camel Back To Life, Will You Testify That I Am Lord? He Will Say: Yes, Then The Demons (Of Dajjal) Will Come In The Form Of That Villager's Camel.

9.   He Will Pass Through An Area, The People Of That Area Will Deny The Dajjal, So As A Result, They Will Not Have Any Animals Left, They Will All Perish, He Will Pass Through Another Area Where The People Will Confirm Him, As A Result, The Dajjal Will Command The Sky To Rain, And If He Commands The Earth, Then The Earth Will Grow Crops Well, The Cattle Of Those Who Believe Will Come In The Evening In Such A State That They Will Be Bigger And Fatter Than Before, The Pits Will Be Full And Their Udders Will Be Full Of Milk.

10.     Al-Dajjal Will Come But It Will Be Forbidden For Him To Enter Madinah. He Will Be Encamped In A Barren Area On The Outskirts Of Madinah. On That Day The Best Man Or One Of The Best People Will Come To Him And Say: I Confirm That You Are The Dajjal Whose Identity Was Told To Us By The Prophet Of God. Al-Dajjal Will Say To The People: If I Kill Him And Then Bring Him Back To Life, Will You Have Any Doubts About My Claim? They Will Say No! Then Dajjal Will Kill Him And Then Bring Him Back To Life. That Man Will Say Now I Know Your Reality Better Than Before. Dajjal Will Say: I Want To Kill Him But It Cannot Be Done.

11.  He Will Take Away His Property From Those Who Do Not Believe In Him.

12.  He Will Give Good Things To Those Who Believe In Him.

13.  One Will Kill A Young Man And Bring Him Back To Life.

14.  Antichrist Will Heal The Blind And The Leper And Raise The Dead


How To Protect Dajjal's Temptation:

In The Light Of The Above Hadiths, It Is Known That.

1.   By Relying On Allah, Dajjal Should Be Openly Rebelled With Full Determination And Courage.

3.   Get Closer To The People Of Allah. To Be Protected From Temptations.

4.   Seeking Refuge From Allah Almighty From The Evil Of Dajjal.

5.   Reciting Tasbeeh, Dissolution And Takbeer.

6.   Stay Away From Dajjal And Run Away As Much As Possible.

7.   Surah Kahf Should Be Recited Every Friday.

Who Will Kill Dajjal:

Due to Dajjal's temptations, the people of faith will have fled to a mountain called "Dukhan" in a world of hardship and distress, but Dajjal will follow them and surround the mountain. The people of faith will be suffering from severe hunger and pain, and then Allah will send down Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him). Upon seeing Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him), Dajjal will dissolve like salt dissolves in water. And you, peace be upon him, will kill Dajjal at the place of Lud and will not leave even one of his followers alive.



 We pray to Allah to protect us from the evil of both of them۔

Written By : Muhammad Raza Qureshi




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