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Al Medina🕌 || Prophet's Migration From Mecca To Medina🕋

Why Did Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Migrate To Medina?  

Migration To Medina Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Left Makkah And Settled In Medina, which is called the "Migration Of The Prophet".

When He First Called People To One God By Forbidding Idolatry And Polytheism, The People Of Makkah Became Enemies Of Him And Started Harassing Him.

At The Same Time, Many People in Medina Came To Believe In Him And Not Only Confessed Monotheism But Also Promised Him All Kinds Of Help. So The Holy Prophet Gave Permission To The Muslims To Leave Makkah And Go To Medina. Thus, Many Muslims From Mecca Migrated To Medina. This Event Took Place In 622 CE, According To The Thirteenth Year Of Prophet Hood.

When The People Of Makkah Saw That The Muslims Had Taken Refuge In Another City Out Of Their Reach, They Considered It A Great Danger For The Future And Conspired To End This Daily Quarrel That The Prophet Himself (Nauzubillah) Should Be Eliminated.

So They Laid Siege To His House And Waited For Him To Come Out. When He Came To Know About This Plot Of His Enemies, He Also Decided To Go To Medina, So He Instructed Hazrat Ali To Sleep On His Bed And Return The Trusts That The Infidels Had Kept With Him On The Next Day.

They Should Also Go To Medina From Makkah. He Left With Hazrat Abu Bakar, And After Staying In The Cave Of Thor (غار ثور) For Three Days, On September 20, 622 CE, According To 8 Rabi Al-Awwal 1 AH, He Reached The Place Of Quba, Which Was A Settlement At A Distance Of Three Miles From Medina. It Was Here That Hazrat Ali Also Came To Him. Here He Stayed For Four Days And Laid The Foundation Of The World's First Mosque, Masjid Quba. After Staying In Quba For Four Days, After That Left It  For Medina.


Is Yathrib and Medina the same place?

Yathrab Was The OldName Of Medina. When Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) Migrated From Makkah To Yathrib, It Was Named Medina-Ul-Nabi, Which Is Now Called Medina For Short.



The Cause Of Yathrib:

Three Popular Causes Are Listed.

    1) Medina Has More Than A Hundred Names Before Migration; People Used To         Call It Yathrib Either Because The First Person From The (Amaleka) Tribe                Who Came Here Was Named Yathrib Bin Qaniyyah, Who Was In The Seventh         Generation Of The Descendants Of Noah (Peace Be Upon Him). (Yathrib Ibn         Qayynah Ibn Mahlail Ibn Iram Ibn Abeel Ibn Awad Ibn Iram Ibn Sam Ibn Nuh)            Therefore, Naming This Holy City After An Infidel Is Against honour.

    2) Or This Word Is Derived From ثرب Meaning Reprimand, Punishment, Trouble,


    3) Or Yathreeb, Which Means rebuke And punishment.


Prohibition Of Saying Yathrib:

In The Holy Qur'an, What Was Called Yathrib Is The Saying Of The Hypocrites.

And Imam Ahmad Says That Whoever Calls Medina Munawarah Yathrib Should Repent, Bukhari Said In His History That Whoever Calls It Yathrib Once Should Call It Medina Ten Times As An Atonement.

Imam Ahmad And Abu Ya'ali Have Narrated That If A Person Calls Medina Yathrib, He Should Seek Forgiveness .



Virtues Of Al-Medina:


    1) It Was Narrated From Hazrat Abu Huraira That When People Saw A New Fruit         On A Tree, They Would Bring It And Present It To The Messenger Of Allah,            Peace Be Upon Him, And He Would Accept It And Pray Like This: Allah! Bless         Our Fruits And Production, And Bless Our City Medina, And Bless Our Saa'a         And Mada, O Allah! Ibarhim Was Your Special servant, your Khalil, And Your            prophet, And I Am Also Your Servant And Your Prophet. They Prayed To You            For Makkah, And I Pray To You For Medina As Well, And So Much More,                Then You (PBUH) Would Call A Small Child And Give Him A New Fruit." (Sahih          Muslim)


The Meaning Of Blessing In Fruits And Production Is Obviously That There Is Maximum Production And The Harvest Is Abundant, And Blessing In The City Of Medina Means That It Is Well-Populated And The Grace Of Allah Is Upon Its Inhabitants, And There Are Saa And Mad Scales.

In This Era, The Buying And Selling Of Grain, Etc. Was Done By These Measures, Barkat In Them Means That One Saa Is Sufficient For More Days Than The Number Of Men Or The Number Of Days.

In The Holy Qur'an, There Is A Mention Of The Prayer Of Hazrat Ibrahim (Peace Be Upon Him) To Allah, Which He Prayed To Allah For His Wife And Child By Settling Them In The Uninhabited And Waterless Deserts Of Makkah. O Allah! So Put Love In The Hearts Of Your Servants, provide them with sustenance and fruits, Etc., And Grant Them Peace And Security Here.

The Messenger Of Allah, May God Bless Him And Grant Him Peace, Used To Mention This Ibrahimi Supplication As An Example, And Used To Make The Same Supplication To Allah For Medina, But With More Additions. The Fruit Of This Supplication Is Also Evident That The Believers All Over The World Who Love Makkah Also Love Medina, And Its Share In This Popularity Is Definitely More Than Makkah.



    2) There Is A Hadith On The Authority Of Hazrat Abu Huraira That The                        Messenger Of Allah, May God Bless Him And Grant Him Peace, Said That                The Day Of Judgement Will Not Come Until Medina Casts Out Its Corrupt And         Corrupted Elements In The Same Way That A Blacksmith's Furnace Casts Out         Iron. (Sahih Muslim)

That Is, Before The Day Of Judgement, The Population Of Medina Will Be Cleansed Of Such Bad Elements That Are Dirty In Terms Of Beliefs, Thoughts, Actions And Morals.


    3) It Is Narrated From Hazrat Abu Hurairah That The Messenger Of Allah, May            God Bless Him And Grant Him Peace, Said That Angels Are Appointed On The         Roads Of Medina, And The Plague And Dajjal Cannot Enter It. (Sahih Bukhari         And Sahih Muslim)

In Some Other Hadiths Of Sahihin, It Is Among The Blessings Of Medina That Allah's Khalil Syedna Ibrahim (Peace Be Upon Him) And His Beloved Hazrat Muhammad (Peace And Blessings Of Allah Be Upon Him) Did For These Two Holy And Blessed Cities.

    4) It Was Narrated From Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar That The Messenger Of                Allah, May God Bless Him And Grant Him Peace, Said, "Whoever Tries It And         Dies In Medina, Then He Should Try It And Die In Medina." I Will Certainly                Intercede For Those Who Will Die In Medina. and Will Be Buried there.                    (Musnad Ahmad, Jami Tirmidhi)

It Is Obvious That It Is Not In Anyone's Power That Death Will Come To Such And Such A Place, But A Person Can Wish For It And Pray For It And Can Even Try For It To Some Extent. For Example, if One goes to die wherever he wants, If The Decision Of Fate And Fate Is Not Against It, Then Death Will Come There. Let Him try; Allah Helps Those Who Try With Sincerity.



    5) It Is Narrated On The Authority Of Yahya Bin Saeed Al-Ansari At Tabi That The         Messenger Of Allah, May God Bless Him And Grant Him Peace, Was Visiting         The Cemetery Of Medina And The Grave Of A Dead Person Was Being Dug.            So This Is Not A Good Resting Place. The Messenger Of Allah, May God                Bless Him And Grant Him Peace, said, This Is A Very Bad Thing That                       Came Out Of Your Tongue. 

(That A Muslim Was Blessed With Death And Grave In Medina, And You Say That This Resting Place Is Not Good For A Muslim.) He Said As An Apology: Holy Prophet (Peace And Blessings Of Allah Be Upon Him), I Did Not Mean (That Death And The Grave Are Not Good In Medina), But My Aim Was Martyrdom In The Way Of God (That Is, I Wanted To Say That This Death If The Brothers Had Been Martyred In A Field Of Jihad Instead Of Dying In Bed And Being Buried In A Grave, And His Body Had Died There In Dust And Blood, It Would Have Been Better Than Being Buried In This Grave. It Is Not Equal To Those Who Were Martyred In God (That Is, The Place Of Martyrdom Is Indeed Very High, But Dying In Medina And Being Buried In Its Dust Is Also A Great Blessing). Be Loved More Than Medina. He Said This Three Times. (Muta Imam Malik)


Imam Bukhari, In His Jama Sahih Bukhari, At The Very End Of The Book Of Hajj, After Mentioning The Hadiths Of The Chain Of Virtues Of Medina Tayyaba, Ended This Statement With The Famous Prayer Of Ameerul Mu'minin, Hazrat Umar Bin Al Khattab, Who Said:

Translation: O Allah! Give Me Martyrdom In Your Way And Grant Me The Blessing To Die And Be Buried In The Holy City Of My Beloved Messenger Of Allah, May God Bless Him And Grant Him Peace."

The Incident Of This Supplication Has Been Narrated By Ibn Saad With A Valid Chain Of Transmission That Auf Bin Malik Ashjajai Saw In A Dream That Hazrat Umar Had Been Martyred. He Narrated This Dream To Hazrat Umar.

Translation: "How Can I Be Blessed With Martyrdom In The Cause Of Allah When I Am Living In The Middle Of Jazirat Al-Arab (And It Has Become Dar Al-Islam) And I Do Not Wage Jihad Myself And The Servants Of Allah Are Always Around Me?" "

Then He Himself Said: "Why Can't I Be Blessed With Martyrdom? If Allah Wills, He Will Bless Me With Martyrdom In These Circumstances."

After that, He Prayed What Is Recorded Above.

After Hearing This Prayer From His Mouth, Hazrat Hafsa, The Daughter Of Umm Al-Mu'minin, Said: "How Can It Be That You Are A Martyr In The Way Of God And Die In Medina?" He said, "If Allah Wills, These Two Things Will Happen."

In The Traditions Of This Chain, It Is Also Said That Everyone Was Surprised To Hear This Prayer Of Hazrat Omar And Did Not Understand How These Two Things Could Happen. When Abul Lulu Injured You In The Mihrab Of The Prophet's Mosque, everyone understood that the acceptance of the prayer was destiny in the same way.

We pray to Allah that He will grant us a polite visit to Madinah and give us the opportunity to understand the religion of Islam. Amen.

Author: Muhammad Raza Qureshi

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