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Who Is God In Supernatural 💚 || Who Is Allah❔

     Allah Is The One Who Has Created All Human Beings And Places And Everything Is Dependent On Him, But Still Some Of The Less Intelligent People Forget The Power Of Allah And Are Saying Who Is Allah? And Who Made Them All?

In The Same Way, Some People Rejected The Nature And Attributes Of Allah And Turned Away From Religion And Were Ruined.

And Here We Will Mention The Essence Of Allah, What Is It? And What Does The Quran Say About This?

The Name Of "Allah" اسم جلالت:

    It Is The Personal Name Of Allahعزوجل, Which Is Unique To Allah Alone. This Name Is Not Unique To Anyone Other Than Allahعزوجل. It Is Derived From "الہ" Which Means "God" Or "He Who Deserves To Be Worshipped".

    Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) Says That The Meaning Of The Word "Allah" Is "The Possessor Of Perfect Attributes, Who Is The Only One Entitled And Deserving Of The Worship Of All Creation." This Name Of Allah عزوجلIs Used The Most In The Holy Quran, About "2200" Times.

There Is No synonym for Allah In Any Language, Nor Is It Possible To Translate Something Like This Word.

    The Allahعزوجل Said: Allah Is The One True God, Besides Whom There Is No Other God, Who Is Alive And Sustains All, Who Neither Slumbers Nor Sleeps, To Whom Belong All Things In The Heavens And The Earth. He knows what is in front of them and what is behind them, so no one may intervene without his permission. They are also unable to conceal anything from his knowledge other than what they are willing to do. Much As He Wills, From His Chair(As is his glory)

Vastness Surrounds The Earth , And Allah Does Not Get Tired Or Weary Of Protecting Them, He Is Very High And Very Great (Al-Baqarah: 255), And He Said: Verily, I Am God; There Is None Worthy Of Worship But Me, So Worship Me Alone, And Establish Prayer For My Remembrance. (Al Ikhlas:1)



Allah Is Almighty The Lord:

    The Word "رب" Is Used In The Dictionary For Master, Mentor, Mentor, Supervisor, This Word Is Used Only For Allah عزوجل Without Addition.


The Lordship (Tawheed):

    Allah عزوجلIs One And Alone In All His Actions, That Is, Allah عزوجلIs One And Alone In "Creation  "Solution."  Allah عزوجلIs The Creator, Owner, And Master Of Everything, And He Is The One Who Runs The System Of The Entire Universe. All Praise Is Due To Allah, The Lord Of All Worlds, declares Allah.


    Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who created the entire World in six days before installing himself on the throne. He Hides The Day From The Night In Such A Way That The Night Quickly Overtakes The Day, And He Created The Sun And The Moon And The Other Stars In Such A Way That All Are Subject To His Command. Remember That It Is Special For Allah To Be The Creator And To Be The Ruler, Allah Is Full Of Great Qualities, Who Is The Lord Of All The Worlds. (Al-A'raf: 54).

    And said, People! Remember The Rewards That Allah Has Bestowed Upon You. Is There Any Creator Other Than Allah Who Can Provide You With Sustenance From Heaven And Earth? There Is No God But He. So Where Do You Turn Upside Down? (Al-Fatir: 3), And He Said: The Kingdom Of The Heavens And The Earth Belongs To Allah, And Allah Has Power Over All Things. In Whose Hands Is The Power? He Who Gives Refuge, And Compared To Whom No Refuge Is Given, If You Know, Then Belittle Him? (Al-Mu'minun: 88).


Who Is The True God:

    The Allah عزوجل  true deity; all other gods are false, All the Gods Are False, And The External And Internal Forms Of Worship Are Exclusive To Allah عزوجل, He Has No Partner In Any Form Of Worship


Monotheism (Oneness Of Allah):

    When Allah Is The Real God, Owner, And Sustainer Of This Universe, Then He Is Also The True Rightful Person Of Worship. They Are All False, And Surely Allah Is Exalted . (Luqman: 30),

And He Said: O People! Worship Your Lord, Who Created You And Those Before You, This Is Your Salvation, Who Created For You The Earth As A Floor And The Sky As A Roof And Sent Down Water From The Sky And Brought Forth Fruits From It And Provided You With Sustenance. (Al-Baqarah: 21, 22)

He Also said, And Worship Allah, And Do Not Associate Anyone With Him.

Say: Verily, My Prayer And All My Worship And My Living And My Dying All Belong To Allah Alone, Who Is The Lord Of All The Worlds; He Has No Partner, And I Have Been Commanded By Him, And I Am Among Those Who Believe. I Am The First. (Al-An'am: 162, 163)


The Right Of Allah On His Servants:

    Allah Almighty says, I Have Created The Jinn And The Humans Only To Worship Me Alone. (Al-Dhariyat: 56)

     Mouaz (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) Narrates That on the donkey on which the Prophet Was Riding, I Was Sitting Behind Him. The Name Of This Donkey Was Afir (عفیر). He (Peace And Blessings Of Allah Be Upon Him) Said, Oh! Mouaz, Do you understand the authority Allah has over His servants? And What Is Allah عزوجل Right With Regard To His Servants? I declared that Allah and His Messenger are the wisest. The right of Allah over His servants is to worship him and not associate anyone else with him, according to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

The Right Of His Servants Over Allah Is That of the Servant Who Does Not Associate Anyone With Allah. May Allah Not Punish Him. (Sahih Al-Bukhari: 2856).



The Attributes Of God:

    Allah عزوجلIs Alone, unique, and separate in his names and attributes; he has no partner. Allah Almighty Says: And The Good And Good Names Are For Allah Alone, So Call Allah By Those Names And Do Not Associate With People Who Misrepresent His Names. There Will Be Punishment. (Al-A'raf: 180), And He Said: Allah Has A Very High Attribute; He Is Mighty And Wise. (Al-Nahl: 60), And He Also Said: There Is Nothing Like Him (Allah). (Al-Shuri: 11)

He Also Said: He Is Allah, Besides Whom There Is No God, The Knower Of The Hidden, The Merciful. Pure, Free From All Faults, The Giver Of Peace, The Guardian, The Mighty, The Mighty, And The Magnanimous, Pure Is Allah From Those Things Which They Associate With Him. For There Are (Extremely) Good Names; Everything, Whether It Is In The Heavens Or The Earth, Describes Its Purity, And It Is The Mighty Wisdom. (Al-Hashr: 22-24) It Was Narrated From Abu Huraira That The Messenger Of Allah, May God Bless Him And Grant Him Peace, Said That Allah Has Ninety-Nine Names, Meaning One Less Than One Hundred. The Person Who Keeps Them Safe Will Enter Paradise. (Sahih Al-Bukhari: 2736).


 We Ask Allah To Guide Us In Realizing The Truth And Placing Our Faith In Him.

 Author: Muhammad Raza Qureshi.

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